To encourage Vermonters to be bold in their support of 
 Donald J. Trump for President 2024

The Vermont Trump Brigade (VTTB), is a grassroots effort with one goal in mind,


When two woman, from Waterville, started waving Trump signs from the road sides and street corners, they were shocked at the overwhelmingly positive response.  It wasn’t long before others joined them and the Brigade quickly increased in number. Trump supporters in this state can be bold, and outspoken.  They most certainly are not alone!

The VTTB knows that Donald Trump is an effective leader and he believes in the America our forefathers envisioned.   Our nation's future will be greatly affected by the outcome of the 2024 November election results.
You are!  Although the founders are here to help and participate in events throughout Vermont, we hope that this movement will take off in many directions on it's own.  Here is our email if you would like to be in touch vttb2024@aol.com 
We hope and pray that you will!  The founders only intention is to Make America Great Again.  And that includes VERMONT!!
Email us at vttb2024@aol.com if you would like to include us in your plans or want our help.  
Yes.  Although everyone involved with the VTTB is responsible for their own actions, we  wish to extend these suggestions as you go out into the public, put on events, or publish using the Vermont Trump Brigade name.

!. No foul language or gestures
2.Walk away from agitators
3. When encountering aggressive motorists at a sign wave, do not give eye contact. But by all means , keep them in your peripheral sight.
 ☝️ It may be advisable to have an attendee record  confrontations on their mobile device.  If possible, recording license plates, of aggressive motorists might prove  helpful as well *
Because of the political climate, at this point we will not be publishing up coming events on this website.  If you would like information, please email vttb2024@aol.com .   We will be sure and keep you informed and do our best to put you in touch with Trump supporters in your area.
  ANYTHING you can think of to keep the MAGA momentum going and to keep Donald Trump’s name in view to Vermonters. Here are some examples.

-Wear MAGA hats and t-shirts,
-Magnets  or bumper stickers on your vehicles
-Yard signs,
-(Fund raisers to purchase these things!)
-voter registration events,
-Help organize and participate in sign waves

-Educate yourself on Trumps  policies, and relay the truth to people who only hear ‘fake news’.  He has proven to be an effective leader!

-Register to vote
